A Neverwinter Nights II Mod by Jon and Dennis Graf

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Latest run through

Ambush in the Wastelands

Other than local testing, I hadn't done a start to finish run through in a while, so my first task for this week was to do that. Mod is currently @ 2 hrs - perhaps a little longer if you check out every little nook and cranny. Of course, I know where everything is ;) - so this may be a little off. All went as expected right up till the end, then found that a fix I had made broke the one alternate ending. Simple to remedy and that is on my short list. Generated a long list of convo mistakes and needed conditional re-do's - again all based on changes I have made since the last run-through. Also want to go back and apply what I have learned lighting-wise to some of the earlier areas.

Another task will be to re-work the content on early convo's to reflect story changes from later in the build. Some of the current ones left me laughing - not a few incongruities. Found a couple of real puzzlers - nothing game breaking, but stuff not working the exact way I intended.  

Re-worked the opening movie - finally beginning to approach acceptable quality. Also figured out a glitch in the sound track where the cello part wasn't coming through. Thats about all for this week.


EC said...

Congratulations. Sounds like you're almost there!

P.S. I'm sure these lightly armed brigands didn't stand much of a chance agains 18th level Adaur Harbor ;)

Alex Hugon said...

Hey, thanks for dropping by the new blog! These screens look great. :)

dgraf said...

Thanks e.c., and alex. Appreciate you dropping by. Getting very close!

Wyrin said...

like the look of the bandits popping ourt of the grass in ambush.

Good luck finishing this off, and do drop us a shout if you need any playtesting or anything!

Merecraft said...

Looking good dgraf! I know what you mean about going back and changing old dialogue, I'm doing that all the time myself as I go along and new ideas occur.