A Neverwinter Nights II Mod by Jon and Dennis Graf

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Winter in April

Above is another screen shot - this of the Northern Wasteland area - home of the Celestial Bear quest. Spent what little time I had this week adding a small inside area, just for grins should someone happen to "visit", and tweaking various encounters. Also did some conversations. It has been cold, rainy, and even snowy (today), and as much as I love Winter, I've had more than my fill. 

I finished the "sound track" for the intro movie, and spent far too much time experimenting with various compression schemes trying to get the maximum video quality. Still not sure I am satisfied. The sound track was fun - my first go at midi, and seems to evoke the feel I was going for. Its just a short little ditty, but its all mine!

Finally figured out a bug in one of the ending sequences, and reworked it much more to my liking. So thats about it - nothing earthshaking to report, just slow steady progress. Even though percentage wise, most of he mod is done, it sure seems like that last 10% takes a whole lot longer than the first 10% did!


EC said...

Sounds like very good progress to me.

The last 10% of an objective is often the toughest to meet indeed.

Snow is finally melting on my end and the sun is shining bright and warm this week. Seems like we're out of this tough winter.

dgraf said...

Thanks for the encouragement e.c.

Sometimes its hard to determine when to stop! Keep thinking of new things, methods etc. I think I will save the bulk of that for the next project though. Want to finish this first step before a tackle the next.