A Neverwinter Nights II Mod by Jon and Dennis Graf

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Today was Jon's birthday. I felt it was the perfect time to release the finished mod. So I tested, organized everything and compressed the files. Then dashed off to the vault to upload everything only to find that if the file is larger than 25mb, you have to contact the site manager to get access to FTP. I have contacted them, and am now waiting for the keys to the kingdom. Its been a fun ride, and I want to thank all of you who have offered so much support, testing time, and encouragement. I couldn't have done it without you! I have included one final screen shot from the opening sequence. In the final version of the "Players Guide" pdf, (which will be included with the mod files) I am including the complete text of Jon's original story

I am looking forward to taking a break, and actually playing some of the new mods that have been released. Then, once I have refueled, I plan to start anew, hopefully learning from the many mistakes, and embark on the sequel - at this time tentatively titled "Winter Promises". Keep an eye on the blog, as I will be posting a new title page, and some of the music planned for the next adventure. 


Wyrin said...

Congratualtions! I hadn;t seen you post i na while so was wondering how thigns were going. Best of luck withthe post-launch debugging, and I hope to get a chance to play this in full soon.

Amraphael said...

Congratiulations, dgraf! I'm looking forward to take a sneak peek on your module and later on (when I'm done with my own mod), playing it.

Lance Botelle (Bard of Althéa) said...

Well done! It's always a great feeling to get the final product on the Vault. :)

Like the others, I will add this to my list of mods to play once I get the chance to put my own building to one side for a while.


dgraf said...

Thanks everyone - still waiting on word from the site gods re the ftp site. Hope you enjoy the mod.


Lariam said...

Great to see that this one will be released. Congratulations! I may not have commented on anything here, really, but I've been following the progress of this project nevertheless. :)