And now for something completely different...
The last few days I have been playing with the Ipad I got my wife for Christmas. Went searching the App store for RPG games and came up with - Aralon! I must say i was very pleasantly surprised. While not as detailed or comprehensive as NWNII, it is very playable and entertaining. It has multiple classes and even a few tricks NWNII doesn't have - including ridable horses and beasts! Very cool. I can't wait to see what Ossian comes up wth for "Shadow Sun". The screen shots look fantastic, and after seeing what Aralon could accomplish, I know we are in for a real treat. I have included a simple screenshot from the app store.
On the "Winter Promises" front, I have been spending time in the village of "Lakton" - a town on Mirror lake, where significant developments will take place. Have linked up the location to the world map, and am currently finishing the interiors and townfolk. Spent a wonderful crash-free afternoon. I am home from work with my wife who just underwent "minor" surgery (personally I don't think there is such a thing). She is recovering well so I had a few hours while she was napping.